
Vize İşlemleri


France Visa

A. Malikahmadov 23/07/19, 09:54
I am a citizen of Azerbaijan. I want to make a visit to France for five days for sightseeing purposes for Azerbaijani citizens. I am a university student in Eskişehir. I am working part time. If the citizens of Azerbaijan are given a visa, what is the price of the French visa? How many days take do you give the visa? I have 4 months to expire my passport, do I need to renew my passport?
EUROASIA Müşteri Temsilcisi

Hello Mr. Malikahmadov, you can apply for a France visa. For students, you will need to complete your French tourist visa(for students) documents and send them to us. Also add a copy of your Turkey residence permit in your application file. And also, you will need to include your new dated student certificate in your application documents for prove that you are still a student. If you are going to apply during the academic year, we also recommend that you obtain permission from your school. You will also need to provide income documents that show you how to maintain yourself financially during your studies in France. You will need to get a letter of permission written on the letterhead of the workplace where you work part-time. If you will cover your expenses yourself, we recommend that you have at least five thousand TL in your bank account. The price of a France visa is 60 + 25 Euro. This price is taken from each applicant as official, standard processing fee. In addition, there is an average travel insurance cost of 15 Euro. Euroasia GVS service fee is 30 Euro.

You can connect to our +90 (312) 963 04 84 phone number to start your French visa
process from our Ankara branch.

Sincerely yours,


Evrim/ Euroasia GVS Schengen

france visa in turkey

N. H. 23/07/19, 11:42

Hey, I am a citizen of Azerbaijan, my spouse is a Turkish citizen. We want to go to France for touristic purposes. If I give my spouse a notarized power of attorney (because it is difficult to get permission from the institution I work for), can my supouse apply for a visa for me? Or how else can you help me? Thanks in advance.

EUROASIA Müşteri Temsilcisi 23/07/19, 11:43

Narmin, if you have regular income, we recommend you to submit your own business documents. It is sufficient to submit copies of the letter of leave and other working documents (employment declaration, salary slip, activity certificate, chamber of commerce registry record, tax plate, trade registry newspaper) to be prepared on the letterhead of the institution where you work. If you wont receive the necessary documents from your workplace, you can apply with your husband's guarantor.

For a France visa, each applicant must apply separately on his or her behalf. If your spouse will be your guarantor, you will need to include your spouse's business documents and the retrospective 3 month bank statement in your application file. Please inform your representative about the city you live in. There are regional divisions in France visa applications.

Once your application is processed, you will need to be present at the relevant department on the day of the appointment on your behalf and complete the fingerprint scanning process. You can connect to our head office at +90 (212) 963 04 50 for a French visa for touristic purposes and you can get more information about the application process and register for your application.

Sincerely yours,

Evrim/ Euroasia GVS Schengen

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