
Vize İşlemleri


Required Documents for Canada Tourist Visa

Dear Visitors,

The standard documents you need to prepare for your Canada tourist visa applications include your credentials and documents to support your travel purpose. On the following page, you can view the list of standard documents of 2023 Canadian Tourist Visa  and detailed documents that changes according to your vocational status. Before preparing your documents, remember this to make sure that your documents are update and prepare them in accordance with their explanations. Have a nice trip.

Students and housewives who apply for a Canada tourist visa should also prepare and submit their financial documents to the consulate.

Dear visitors, you can tell your Euroasia GVS department officials about your travel purpose and vocational and social status and find out what documents you need to prepare for your professional status. All of your documents for a Canada visa application must be update on the last months and shows your current status. Please note that applications with missing, incorrect and outdated documents aren't accepted.

Additional services: In addition to visa procedures for your cultural or touristic travels to Canada, we make a reservation on behalf of you for your transportation and accommodation and add your documents to your visa application file.

Send your paperwork to our nearest office.

You can send documents showing your identity information and other personal documents, documents shows your professional (employee, retired, company owner) or social status (housewife, under 18, student) to our nearest office by cargo or courier.

Wherever you live in Turley, you can make your transactions and submit your application through our Canadian visa service. From the date of  31.07.2018, the application of fingerprints has become valid for Canadian visa applications. If you forward your documents to our office by cargo / courier or in person, we start your transactions.

Required Documents for Canada Tourist Visa

1) Standard Documents

  • Passport

Your passport must have been issued within the last ten years, should have at least two blank pages and should valid for at least 6 months after the visa period you have requested. Your passport shouldn't be  deformed in such a way as to disrupt its integrity. Your biometric photo on your passport must be update, allowing identification.

If a marriage or divorce occurs later, the surname change must be reflected in the passport and updated. Old passports that have expired can be added to the file at the time of visa application.

  • Visa application form of Canada

The Canada visa application form is the most basic document of the visa application file. The Consulate evaluates the identity of the person requesting a visa and the purpose of the travel through this form. Since the Consulate has a significant impact on the visa decision process, the application form must be registered in full in the light of current data and the identity information of the person applying for the visa.

  • Biometric Photo

Should taken in 2 pieces with a clear face, in 35x45 mm size, on white background, suitable for biometric measurements and reflecting your current situation should be included in the visa application file.

  • Bank account statement

Persons applying for a visa to the Canadian Consulate must have a bank account previously opened in their name. When applying for a visa, bank accounts with at least 5.000 TL account balances are required to take back 3 month account statements as official documents signed and stamped by the bank official and put in the visa application file. The ATM account receipt received from the Bank's ATMs isn't accepted as there is no official binding obligation. If a family application is to be made, the same amount of money must be available for each family member.

  • Transportation Reservations

It is necessary to record the pre booking documents in the visa application dossier regarding the means of transportation that you will use during your travel, specifying the departure and return dates.

  • Accommodation Reservations

It is important to have your hotel booking documents issued on behalf of the person applying for a visa and to stay during the trip. Consular visas are meticulous. For applications made as a family, a separate hotel reservation is required for each family member's name and surname.

  • Additional Documents to Support Financial Adequacy

You must submit your real estate resources (title deed), vehicle license, rental income and additional account statements as signed / stamped official documents.

2) Documents that Changes According to Vocational Situation

For employees;

  • Bank account statement

The account transactions for the last 3 months of your bank account and the bank passbook must be provided as official documents signed and stamped by the bank official.

  • Employer Letter (in English)

The letter to be given by the company you work for should indicate that you are on leave during your travel and information on your work and job position. If possible, the letter should be written on the paper containing the logo of the company.

  • SGK Barcoded Service Statement

The insurance service statement, which you can get through e-government or SGK service units, should show your entire working life in detail. If the person applying for a visa is still working in another place despite his or her retirement, SGK may include the support premium documents as a supporting document.

  • SGK Declaration of Employment

You must provide a photocopy of the employment entry certificate given to the SGK Directorate by the company you are working with on the date you start working in the company.

  • Salary Payrolls

You should give your salary slips for the last three months from the company you work for must be signed and stamped by the company representative with a wet signature for your transaction.

  • Business arrangement

If you aren't a SGK employee, you must submit a notary approved employment contract with the company you work for.

For employers;

  • Bank account statement

The personal company bank account or statement of the company's owner for the last three months must be signed and stamped by the bank official with a wet signature.

  • Activity Certificate / Registration of Chamber of Commerce

The activity certificate that you can get from the Provincial Chamber of Commerce, which records the work of your company, must be dated.

  • Commercial Registry Gazette

A copy of the trade registry gazette with the information that the company title and the applicant is the founder or partner must be submitted.

  • Current Tax Chart

A copy of your company's current tax plate for the last one year must be submitted.

For students and under 18 ages

  • Original and photocopy of consent

Applicants under 18 years of age who apply for a Canada visa must receive a notarized consent with the common signature from the parents. The parents must also sign the Canada visa application form for those under 18 years of age. If the spouses are divorced, the existing custody decision must be attached to the file.

  • Original Population Registration Sample

Canada admitted for the visa application with a petition by citizens of the Republic of Turkey to the Directorate of Population "Full Fledged Family Status Registration Sample" may taken. Make sure that the document is signed by the institution official with a wet signature and that stamp and seal are made.

  • Student certificate

The application must be made with the original signed and sealed student certificate issued by the institution where the visa applicant is studying.

  • Petition

A petition signed by a first degree relative to the visa applicants to cover the travel expenses must be prepared with a legible, return-dated date and a guarantee statement.

Warning! The person who will finance the travel expenses of the student must prepare and submit the documents of all income sources in a formal signed form.

For Retires;

  • Bank Statement

The person who will apply for a visa must include the bank account movements of the last three months and the signed documents of the bank account book from the bank where the pension is lying to the application file. There should be at least 5,000 TL balance in the retired persons account.

  • Retiring Certificate

The document showing your retirement status on e-government or from SGK service units must be signed official documents.

For self employed persons;

  • Bank Statement

The account of the bank account opened on behalf of the person applying for the visa, the account book of the last 3 months and the bank account wallet should be provided by the bank official who has the name in the bank signature circular and enclosed in the file.

  • Chamber Registration Certificate

The chamber registration certificate received by the applicant from the professional chamber of which he or she is a member should include the information of the last 6 months. Self employed persons can attach their documents photocopies as supporting documents if they have professional ID cards.

  • Current Tax Sheet

The self employed applicant should submit a photocopy of the current tax certificate for the one last year.

How Many Days Does a Canada Tourist Visa Finalize?

Canada tourist visa processing takes approximately 10 to 15 days after your application date. This period isn't certain and depends on the intensity of the Consulate before public holidays. Because the Canada Embassy visa office isn't open on public holidays, application with foreign passports of foreigners residing in Turkey is given a little more time than others.


  • As soon as we receive the documents you have sent to our visa service office, we will immediately check ıf there are missing or incorrect documents. If there are missing or incorrect documents, you will be asked to correct them.
  • You must be actively using your email address that you have declared in the Canada visa application form.
  • There is no fingerprint application in Canadian visa procedures. For this reason, you can make all your transactions from our region of residence through our visa service.
  • Canada visa procedures result in 11 to 15 days. Visas for foreign passengers who apply from Turkey will make are resulting in longer period.

You can call us for a Canada visa application process, visa fee and a list of documents suitable for your personal situation during your travels.

Kanada ile ilgili merak ettiklerinizi sorun , yardımcı olalım.

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