Dear visitor, Welcome.
Italian citizenship can be achieved by many ways. You can find the paperwork procedures in the following section. Because of the blood ties (Ius Sanguinis) Italian citizenship, by the residence permit Italian citizenship, citizenship by long term legal residence permits and by the petition Italian citizenship can be acquired under long term category. It is according to your eligibility. Knowing the citizenship criteria that is appropriate for you in your application to prepare your documents is one of the elements that will facilitate.
In your request for Italian citizenship, it will be extremely important whether you have been tried for any crime during your life. Therefore, you have to submit your criminal record with fee you’ve pay.
You must include your family registration table in your documents during your legal residence and family reunion in Italy.
If you aren’t a natural Italian citizen, you won’t be able to obtain citizenship without a residence permit in Italy. The legal residence permit can be naturalized with long term applications (if conditions are met). Your residence permit and your legally permit must be declared at the time of your application.
Documents that show your financial resources will be important when you apply for Italian citizenship. In order for the country to grant citizenship, it is necessary to prove that you support yourself and your family without the need for social assistance. These documents can be documents such as lease agreement, title deed, bank account deposits. Documents related to your taxes must be approved by the Revenue Directorate. Your income statement must be arrange for three years.
You must have a lot of documents on your population registration document. Your document should include your name and surname, place of birth, date of birth and your mother and father.
In addition to a criminal record from Italy, you must also have a criminal record from other countries of residence.
If you don't have a natural citizenship in Italy, you will need to present your passport during your application. Your passport musn’t be more than 10 years old and must have a copy of the blank pages. Make sure your passport isn't deformed and your passport should still valid.
There are some of factors to consider when applying for Italian citizenship. You must provide all of your documents in full and translate your documents in to Italian. In addition, both the original and photocopy of the documents should include to application center. It will be useful to transmit.
If citizenship cannot be acquired through blood ties, then your residence permit will be of paramount importance. Residence permits can be obtained for family reunion, work or educational purposes. It is a good idea to apply your citizenship application according to the nuances you are in.