Dear visitors,
Euroasia GVS is only able to provide you with a visa for up to 90 days of residence. For the purpose of Family Reunion, we request that you apply for a residence permit to the Italian diplomatic representative in your region.
Except citizens of the European Union or Swiss citizens, everyone is required to obtain a residence permit in family reunion. While getting a family reunion because of the marrying with an Italian citizen, it is necessary to getting residence permit for Italy. On 1 June 2018, the Italian Consulates' application areas were updated. You can find the application areas of Italian Consulates in the following pages.
First of all, a request for family reunification must be made through the authorized institutions, and then the required documents and application form should be filled in and a residence permit should be requested within one week of arriving in Italy. For the Italian procedures, Sportello Unico Immigrazione office will be the institution to apply for. After applicate to the office, you will take a document called as "Nulla Osta". This document is delivered to the Italian representative in Turkey and the application then carried out in Italy with this document.
If you have been granted a separate work permit from your family in Italy and you have been working in Italy for a long period of time, you can also apply for a family reunion visa to live your family with you. Of course, in this case, the procedures will changes slightly and separate application for each family member will be required.
In Italy, family reunion is a visa that can be useful in the cases mentioned above. When you combine your life with an Italian citizen, you are able to benefit from the family reunion without any Italian citizenship, if you are married to a foreigner who has a legal residence permit for many years, as well as a relative who isn't an Italian citizen. If you are a third nation citizen in family reunions, you must be subject to a residence permit. Citizens of the member states of the European Union and Swiss citizens are exempted from family reunification permit procedures and require other formalities.
In order to obtain a family reunification visa for Italy, you must also meet certain conditions. In particular, if you have married in Italy or married an Italian citizen in Italy, you must prove to the Italian Consulate that your marriage is real. These proofs will prove the reality of your marriage and will open the doors of Italy to you, relying on the country's applicants. You can determine the reality of your marriage with the documents you will show during your application. The most important consideration at this stage is to ensure that your documents are authentic and valid.
If you want to go to a very close relative or your spouse living in Italy and benefit from a family reunion, then it is important for the government to provide a residence permit of your relative or spouse in Italy. The minimum residence period of 8 years may be shortened according to the professional or vital forms of your relative living in Italy. If your spouse or relative has a blue card because of to their profession, the residence permit can be extended to 6 years. In this case, you can apply without waiting 8 years. In addition to all these procedures, even if your documents are complete and you are in full compliance with the conditions, there will be a few more important criteria that the government will require. First of all, while living in Italy, they will give importance to your financial situation and take this factor into consideration in order to develop yourself economically without burdening the state. At this stage, the financial situation of your spouse and relative will be more important.
Your knowledge of Italian language will be measured to minimum standards, and they will be able to put you to the test of your language proficiency. Your language proficiency may in some cases be more optional than your professional qualification. In addition, your compliance with Italy will be tested and your susceptibility to the social and political factors of the country will be evaluated. Once your family reunion has been approved in Italy, you may have the right to work without your consent according to your spouse's professional status. However, this doesn't apply to most occupations. After obtaining your residence permit, you can learn about your work situation from the competent authorities in Italy and make the necessary applications.
In case you wish to obtain a family reunification visa in Italy, you will need to apply directly to the Consulate, so you can get professional support during the preparation of your documents. You can shorten your application process by sending your documents to our customer representatives through our contact addresses.
Italy Schengen visa and D type Italian visa applications have a regional separation at the consulates. Apply for an Italian visa according to the region you live in, with reference to the following regional distinctions.
Italia Ankara Embassy Application Areas
Ankara, Bolu, Cankiri, Eskisehir, Kirsehir, Kirikkale, Hatay, Kahramanmaras, Osmaniye, Gaziantep, Kilis, Sanliurfa, Malatya, Adiyaman, Elazig, Diyarbakir, Tunceli, Mardin, Bingol, Batman, Mus, Bitlis, Siirt, Sirnak, Agri, Hakkari, Van.
Italy Istanbul Consulate Application Areas
Istanbul, Amasya, Artvin, Bilecik, Bursa, Canakkale, Corum, Edirne, Erzurum, Erzincan, Giresun, Gumushane, Igdir, Sakarya, Kocaeli, Ardahan, Bayburt, Kars, Kirklareli, Ordu, Rize, Samsun, Sinop, Sivas, Trabzon, Tokat, Tekirdag, Yalova, Bartin, Duzce, Karabuk, Kastamonu, Yozgat, Zonguldak.
Italy Izmir Consulate Application Areas
Izmir, Aksaray, Adana, Afyon, Antalya, Aydin, Balikesir, Burdur, Denizli, Isparta, Karaman, Kayseri, Konya, Manisa, Mersin, Mugla, Nigde, Usak, Kutahya, Nevsehir.